Mermaid Claws

Mermaid Claws

Used by Units:Permalink

Basic statsPermalink

Stat 1: ATK

Stat 2: DEF

Upgrade StatsPermalink

Grade Bonus Minimal Level
Blue ATK: +3.0% 1
Purple ATK: +4.5% 34
Orange ATK: +6.0% 61
Red ATK: +9.0% 108

Equipment UpgradePermalink

Equipment Upgrade: Equipment Upgrade Gold Cost Per Level

Grade ATK DEF Equipment Upgrade Minimal Level
white +3.027 +0.9 - -
Green +3.5315 +1.05 1x Inferior Mercury 1
Blue +4.036 +1.2 3x Common Mercury 1
Blue +1 +4.5405 +1.35 1x Book of Arms, 5x Good Mercury 1
Blue +2 +5.045 +1.5 2x Book of Arms +1, 8x Superior Mercury +1 1
Purple +5.5495 +1.65 3x Book of Arms +2, 10x Valuable Mercury +2, 3x Superior Sulfur +1 34
Purple +1 +6.054 +1.8 5x Book of Essences, 15x Exceptional Mercury, 5x Valuable Sulfur +2 39
Purple +2 +6.5585 +1.95 8x Book of Essences +1, 10x Rare Mercury +1, 10x Rare Sulfur +1, 5x Exceptional Ore 46
Purple +3 +7.063 +2.1 10x Book of Essences +2, 15x Epic Mercury +2, 15x Epic Sulfur +2, 8x Rare Ore +1 55
Orange +7.5675 +2.25 12x Book of Essences +3, 18x Legendary Mercury +3, 18x Legendary Sulfur +3, 10x Epic Ore +2 61
Orange +1 +8.072 +2.4 15x Certificate of Legend, 25x Mythical Mercury, 25x Mythical Sulfur, 12x Legendary Ore +3 70
Orange +2 +8.5765 +2.55 18x Certificate of Legend +1, 30x Eternal Mercury +1, 30x Eternal Sulfur +1, 15x Mythical Ore 76
Orange +3 +9.081 +2.7 21x Certificate of Legend +2, 35x Secret Mercury +2, 35x Secret Sulfur +2, 18x Eternal Ore +1 85
Orange +4 +9.5855 +2.85 24x Certificate of Legend +3, 40x Soul Mercury +3, 40x Soul Sulfur +3, 25x Secret Ore +2 94
Orange +5 +10.34225 +3.075 50x Certificate of Legend +4, 80x Star Mercury +4, 80x Star Sulfur +4, 50x Soul Ore +3 102
Red +11.6035 +3.45 100x Legendary Certificate +5, 150x Radiant Mercury +5, 150x Radiant Sulfur +5, 100x Star Ore +4 108
